We did some site updates. Plugins were updated, and upgraded our site to the latest WordPress platform. We are fully functional again, and apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.
We are considering opening an online store for professional grooming products as well. We aren’t sure of when, or if we will in the near future. It’s depending on customers like you to let us know if its beneficial, and something that would make your life easier.
We are stocking new masks and soon special beard ones too for purchase. Ones that don’t wreck beards and give it a dented look, but still work well as a mask. All T- Shirts will be on sale as well, so we can order more shirts from local suppliers to help them out in the Covid-19 crisis. Small businesses supporting small businesses are essential in today’s economic world. We are also going to be ordering some fitted hats, hoodies, and other items. Please stay tuned, and pop into the shop to find your fit. We will announce the arrivals on Facebook as soon as possible.
Did you also know that we sell professional grade clippers? A lot of guys want to be able to self care and manage their hair. The same tools we use, are available for sale.